Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Level Review: "Electric Avenue" by ba55tyd

"Electric Avenue" by ba55tyd

This level came recommended by a fellow LBP player, Larazoom. Since she does not create any levels, she spreads the word for others.

Electric Avenue is a simple horizontal/vertical platform level using predominantly MGS level components. I do not believe there is a storyline behind the level, but to go from point A to B. The craftsmanship of the level is very precise and clean. However, at times, it is a bit monotonous since the same elements are used over and over again (i.e. rotating barrels all over the level). Very good use of lighting elements so the phosphorescent lines of the MGS VR wall panels glow in the dark. [spoiler alert] There is a stage where you get to run across several wobbly platforms to get the the paintball gun fight. Going from left to right on the wobbly platform was easy, but returning was a pain (we will get to that later). The paintball gun fight was dissapointing. The lack of camera angle use (you couldn't see who was shooting at you), and the lack of design on the "blocks" shooting back did not make the gun fight sequence enjoyable at all. There was no purpose to the gun fight with the exception of activating a lever to have a platform drop down and open up the path to continue on with the level (we will get to that a bit later too). You are forced to return to where you came from. Going on the wobbly platforms from left to right was challenging, if not frustrating in the beginning. However, with a little bit of practice and making sure you always jump from the center point of the platform to platform, you should be able to make it in one piece.

I did not finish the level because i got stuck right after the vertical ladder at a glass bridge that blew up before I was able to get across it. What was interesting about this part, was it suddenly had a change in the look and feel of the level. Instead of an endless MGS VR wall panels, it became more rustic and grimy. I am not sure if the end was on the other side of the bridge, but I was sure discouraged to proceed after having gone thru the wobbly bridge 4-5 different times. I might try it again after my frustration had faded.

Final note, do not attempt to play this level with multi-players. You will end up watching one player most of the time because one will advance further than others which will kill off your partners. There is no co-op areas.

I give this level as follow:
Overall Impression: C+
Replay Value: C
Story Line: D
Craftsmanship: B
Prizes and Gifts: C

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