Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gorillaz video collection

I have not seen a new video from Gorillaz in a while when this popped into my inbox - "Bananaz", a film by Ceri Levy. The film brings you Gorillaz behind the scenes and in concert. This prompted me to collect my favorite Gorillaz videos on youtube... Here is a taste of "Bananaz", which you can see in its entirety on

Gorillaz - Hong Kong

This is got to be one of my favorite discoveries on youtube... thanks shpytahmon

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.

Gorillaz - Dirty Harry

Gorillaz - Punk

Gorillaz - Latin Simone

Gorillaz - Latin Simone (Que Pasa Contigo?)

Gorillaz - Tomorrow Comes Today

Gorillaz - Rock The House

Gorillaz - El manana

Gorillaz - Dare

Gorillaz - Noodle Dare EPK

Gorillaz - On The Island

Gorillaz - Hey Our Toys Have Arrived

Gorillaz - Mexican Jailer Ident

Gorillaz - The Eel

Gorillaz - 2-D Talks About John Pooh

Gorillaz - Fancy Dress